Kawan Selamanya

Pergh pagi tadi aku dengar radi Fly FM pasal Joe Flizzow buat lagu untuk Malique, member lama dia. Aku bukan layan sangat pasal gosip artis ni tapi somehow Joe's speech make my eye glass..tengah tengah drive tu terpaksa pakai spec hitam aku..kantoi nangis.Hehe. Apa Joe kata, dia cakap pasal dia buat lagu tu bukan untuk suka suka, dia memang buat lagu tu untuk member dia, sebab dia rindu maybe.. dan kalau boleh dia nak Malique tu come back duo dengan dia buat album balik. Kembalikan zaman Too Phat dulu..Em salute bro Joe ni..betul betul nampak ikhlas dalam perjuangan muziknya dan bertapa ikhlasnya persahabatan mereka. Ni semua my personal opinion.

My point is the strong bond of friendship diorang menyebabkan aku terfikir kawan kawan baik aku. Ramai je kalau ikut kawan aku, tapi kadang kadang sekadar kawan tempat kerja or sekolah sahaja. But maybe only a few of them accept me as a best friend..they share the joy and pain with me..listen to my problem. tak annoy if aku buat lawak bodoh. Love me as I love them.

A little from the few, I still contact every time. Perhaps once a month. Others once or twice a years. And some of them totally disappear because we just lost contact.

For those who still remember me as a good friend, all I ever want is you remember me. And if you have time I hope we still can hang out together. Share the story that I never know. I don't mine if you a men or woman. My marriage do not stop me to hang out. Hehe. I have suffer a lonely felling during my childhood until my age reach 16. I just do want to feel that again.

Now I know I have a true friend. These guys come to my life and spent most of the time with me. Hang out every night. Do a good thing but mostly stupid things every night. Even every one have their own business and family to care off, I know we still be a good buddies.

Here is my true friend and already be part of my family.

Aku masih anggap kawan kawan sekolah, uni, brickfield as a good friend also..just hope they feel that way too. Bye!
